I discovered the fantastically interesting author, Tristan Gooley, because of his book, How To Read Water. It was recommended to me by a fellow artist, and since then I've discovered his other books too. If you're interested in understanding nature, and the clues that are presented to us by the natural world, then Tristan Gooley needs to be on your radar.
He is doing an online virtual event tonight for the bargain price of £3 to raise money for Surfers Against Sewage.
It will be at 8pm GMT and the link to buy tickets is here: https://bookwhen.com/h2otraining#focus=ev-s5i9-20211203200000
#tristangooley #3rdDecember2021 #onlineevent #surfersagainstsewage #eventstoday #howtoreadwater #howtoreadthesea